Design+ to Collaborate with Carlow CoCo on ‘2020 Innovate’ Programme

Design+ are delighted to collaborate with Carlow County Council to support County Carlow companies through the new ‘2020 Innovate’ programme. The programme aims to support companies with the opportunities & challenges of Brexit & Covid-19 trading conditions.
2020 Innovate is a programme designed with your business in mind to help build a pathway to access support, re-assess the business and develop innovative strategies for adapting to new market opportunities and challenges. The programme brings you through a disciplined framework to discover and analyse where the innovation potential lies in your enterprise and how you can capitalise on those opportunities to strive for growth.Aimed at established businesses (trading on average 3 years+), with between 3 – 50 employees, 2020 Innovate will help you take your enterprise to the next level by delivering sophisticated breakthrough innovations.
’I am delighted to see this partnership between the Institute of Technology Carlow & Carlow County Council’s Local Enterprise Office which is designed to support business in availing of the full range of supports available to them by developing a framework for innovation which is so essential in today’s challenging trading environment.’ Cllr Tom O’Neill, Cathaoirleach of Carlow County Council
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